
NEDERLANDS Louis & Sophie Concert programme - Paula Bär-Giese soprano & pianist

DEUTSCH Louis & Sophie Konzert programm - Paula Bär-Giese soprano & pianist

LOUIS DULCKEN “Münchner Hofklaviermacher”

“Dülken, (Johan Lodewijk), werd geboren in Amsterdam op 5 augustus 1761, leerde piano's, fortepiano's en soortgelijke instrumenten bouwen van zijn vader in Hasselt (Overijssel) en vervolgens in Parijs, en werd in 1781 door prins Karl Theodor aangenomen als mechanische pianomaker aan zijn hof in München, in welke hoedanigheid hij nog steeds werkzaam is, waar hij op 18 april 1799 trouwde met de beroemde pianiste Sophie Le Brün. Deze kunstenaar maakte naam met zijn uitstekende fortepiano's, die een zuivere, sonore toon hebben, constant gestemd zijn, en de fagote, harp, harmonica, enz. imiteren door middel van een vakkundig geïnstalleerd mechanisme, de tremolo uitgevonden door Friederici in Gera uitstekend integreert, enz. enzovoort, en worden ook gekenmerkt door hun elegante en smaakvolle constructie, zijn zeer populair, zijn instrumenten zijn zeer gewild en welkom, en zijn zeer gewild, niet alleen in heel Duitsland, maar ook in Frankrijk, Zwitserland, Italië, Rusland, enzovoort.” Baierisches Musik-Lexikon, 1811, p. 70
Dülken was sinds 1799 ook getrouwd met de beroemdste vrouwelijke pianiste van haar tijd, de bekende Sophie Lebrun. Zijn drie dochters waren ook pianospelers en zangeressen, en zo was zijn huis in de Prannerstraße lange tijd de interessante ontmoetingsplaats voor de geschoolde muzikale scene in München in die tijd.

‘Dulken, (Johann Ludwig), was born in Amsterdam on 5 August 1761, learned to build pianos, fortepianos and similar instruments from his father in his home town (Hasselt, Overijssel), and then in Paris, and was employed by Prince Karl Theodor as a mechanical piano maker at his court in Munich in 1781, in which capacity he is still employed, and where he married the famous piano player Sophie Le Brün on 18 April 1799. This artist made a name for himself with his excellent fortepianos, which have a pure, sonorous tone, keep a constant tuning, and imitate the fagote, harp, harmonica, etc. by means of a skilfully installed mechanism, excellently incorporate the tremolo invented by Friederici in Gera, and so on. etc., and are also characterised by their elegant and tasteful construction, are very popular, his instruments are much sought after and welcome, and are in great demand not only throughout Germany, but also in France, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, etc.’ Baierisches Musik-Lexikon, 1811, p. 70
Dülken had also been married to the most famous female piano player of her time, the well-known Sophie Lebrun, since 1799. His three daughters were also piano players and singers, and so his house in Prannerstraße was for a long time the interesting meeting place for the educated musical scene in Munich at the time.

Sophie Dulcken was een zeer geprezen pianiste, Lipowsky roemt haar met de volgende woorden:
Sophie Dulcken was a highly acclaimed pianist, Lipowsky praising her with the following words:


‘Brün, (Sophie Le), learnt the basics of music in Munich with Knechtl, piano playing with Streicher, and basso continuo with Schlett. She is a true artist on the piano in every respect, and plays this instrument with spiritual expression, true feeling and extraordinary skill. When she travelled to Paris, Switzerland and Italy, her excellent playing enchanted every listener, and connoisseurs and artists conceded her the first rank of art. In addition to this, she sings very well, has a deep insight into the essentials of music, combines her great practical musical knowledge with theoretical knowledge in equal measure, and has a thorough understanding of composition. She has set several concertos, sonatas and the like to music for the piano; it is a pity that they have not become generally known through engraving or printing.’

Brün, (Sophie Le), de dochter van de beroemde Beierse hofmusicus Ludwig August Le Brün en de grote zangeres Franziska Le Brün, geboren Danzi, werd op 20 juli 1781 in Londen geboren, leerde de eerste beginselen van de muziek in München bij Knechtl, de piano bij Streicher en de basso continuo bij Schlett en trouwde op 18 april 1799 in München met de koninklijke Beierse mechanische pianomaker Johann Ludwig Dülken. Ze was in alle opzichten een ware pianokunstenares en bespeelde dit instrument met spirituele expressie, echt gevoel en buitengewone vaardigheid. Toen ze naar Parijs, Zwitserland en Italië reisde, betoverde haar uitstekende spel elke luisteraar en kenners en kunstenaars kenden haar de eerste plaats toe in deze kunst. Daarnaast zong ze erg goed, had ze een diep inzicht in de essentie van muziek, combineerde ze haar grote praktische muzikale kennis met theoretische kennis in dezelfde mate en had ze een grondig begrip van compositie. Ze heeft verschillende concerto's, sonates en dergelijke voor de piano gecomponeerd. Het is jammer dat ze niet algemeen bekend zijn geworden door graveren of drukken.

sophie Dulcken kopie 2
Paula Bär-Giese - Sophie Dulcken Concert programme

Scherm­afbeelding 2025-02-18 om 13.35.45


Johannes Daniël Dulcken (21 april 1706 – Antwerpen 11 april 1757) x Susanna Maria Knopffllin
Johannes Lodewijk (Louis)Dulcken I (1735 - † tussen 1793 en 1795 München) x Catharina Koning
Johannes Lodewijk (Louis) Dulcken II (1761 - † München 1836) [brother Johannes Dulcken ( 26 December 1768 - ?)]
Louis Dulcken x Sophie Le Brün Brün, (Sophie Le), the daughter of the famous Bavarian court musician Ludwig August Le Brün, and the great singer Franziska Le Brün, née Danzi, was born in London on 20 July 1781, learnt the basics of music in Munich with Knechtl, the piano with Streicher, and the basso continuo with Schlett, and married the royal Bavarian mechanical piano maker Johann Ludwig Dülken in Munich on 18 April 1799. She is a true artist on the piano in every respect, and plays this instrument with spiritual expression, true feeling and extraordinary skill. When she travelled to Paris, Switzerland and Italy, her excellent playing enchanted every listener, and connoisseurs and artists conceded her the first rank in this art. In addition to this, she sings very well, has a deep insight into the essentials of music, combines her great practical musical knowledge with theoretical knowledge to the same degree, and has a thorough understanding of composition. She has composed several concertos, sonatas and the like for the piano; it is a pity that they have not become generally known through engraving or printing. On 25 June 1831 Louis Dulcken relinquished his post as royal keyboard instrument maker; he died five years later. In his will Dulcken named as heirs his wife Sophie Lebrun (b London, 20 June 1781–d Munich, 23 July 1863), his sons Theobald and Heinrich, his married daughters Louise and Franziska Bohrer, and his then unmarried daughters Violande, Johanna, and Caroline Dulcken. Theobald as business manager and Heinrich as builder apparently completed their father’s commitments after his death but soon closed the shop. Both sons eventually moved to London where Theobald became a wool merchant and Heinrich an organist. Louise and Franziska had married the brothers Max and Anton Bohrer; Louise became court pianist in Stuttgart. Violande became a concert singer in Munich. Dulcken's son Theobald became Louis partner about 1816, and the business continued until 1831, when Louis Dulcken retired.
Théobald Dulcken 1800-1882 Married in 1828, Munich, Bavière, Allemagne, to Louise Marie David 1811-1850
Heinrich Dulcken, organist, 1801 Married to Auguste Burghaagen
Louise Sophie Dulcken 1803-1857 Married to Maximilian Caspar Anton Bohrer 1785-1867
Franziska Dulcken 1805-1873 Married to Joseph Anton Bohrer 1783-1863
Violanda Dulcken, prix du Conservatoire de Paris 1810-1863/ Married 18 April 1837 (Tuesday), Munich, Bavière, Allemagne, to Jean François Adolphe Bouvier 1802-1862
Ferdinand Quentin Dulcken (1837–1901)
Sophie (Louise Auguste) Dulcken 6 March 1835 in London, † 15 July 1923 in Dinard (Brittany), pianist
(Sarah) Isabella (Auguste) Dulcken, Dulken, married name Braun